A Bible Devotion

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Your Marriage Is Your Ministry

EPHESIANS 5:33 ESV 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

God desires to bless your spouse through you!

Jesus has sent us out as members of His spiritual Body, to minister to those around us. We are supposed to allow His love to flow through us.

MATTHEW 25:40 GWN 40 "The king will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me.'

God loves your spouse -- enough to die for them. His desire is to help them and bless them. They are not perfect. They need a lot of help. That is why God sent you, as His representative, to minister to them.

To minister means to serve. God put you where you are to serve -- to be a blessing. It is a mistake to think of "Christian ministry" only as being a pastor or missionary, etc. Any time a Christian is serving (helping) people it is "Christian ministry."

Your ministry is not limited to your spouse, but it certainly includes them.

Whatever other ministry God may entrust to you, if you are married, God has trusted you with the ministry of being a blessing to your spouse.

God has not left you to struggle in this ministry on your own. He is with you, and in you, to work through you. God will help you. But you must allow Him to do so.

Building up and encouraging your spouse will also be doing yourself a favor. They will be more pleasant to live with when they are blessed, loved, and encouraged.

SAY THIS: I accept responsibility to minister to my spouse, to serve them by helping them in any way I can.


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